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    • 3 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Scrapping Metal

    Scrapping Metals is a great way to make some extra cash if you recycle it avoiding the common mistakes. But for the average person with little knowledge about metal recycling, it can be a daunting task. Cash For Scrap Metals is committed to keeping Geraldton clean and green by encouraging its residents to recycle.

    We’ve put together this guide to help home owners and businesses understand Scrap Metal Recycling and mistakes to avoid.

    Top 3 Common Mistakes to Avoid When It Comes to Scrap Metal Recycling

    1. Not Researching the Scrapyard

    The No.1 mistake that most people make when it comes to Selling Scrap Metals for Cash is assuming all scrapyards are the same. If you want to get fair cash and prompt, friendly service, you need to do your research to find a trustworthy and experienced Scrap Metal Recycler in your area. For instance, at Cash For Scrap Metals we have a lot of loyal customers who know that we’re the best in the industry and will give them the fair cash offer that they deserve for their scrap metals.

    2. Not Collecting Scrap Metals

    If you’re a business that generates metal waste on a regular basis, not collecting it can be a big mistake. What might look like a negligible amount of scrap metals can turn out to be quite a lot when you collect them over a period of time. Why not recycle your metal waste and get some extra cash instead of simply throwing them out? At Cash For Scrap Metals Recyclers, we offer Bin drop off and collection service. So, you can collect all your scrap metal in the bins that we provide and give us a call once the bin if full and we’ll collect it, pay you cash for the scrap metals and be on our way. It’s that simple to Recycle Scrap Metals for Cash!

    3. Know Scrap Metal Grades

    Did you know there are different grades when it comes to different types of metals? When Scrapping Metals, you need to know what grade the scrap metals you’re selling fall under.

    For instance, stainless steel will be graded based on the amount of nickel found in it. Copper will fetch you the highest price if it falls under the bare bright copper grade. Knowing your scrap metals grades will help you know how much your scrap metal is worth.

    Contact Us

    Whether it’s an old car, appliances or commercial metal waste, you can Sell Your Scrap Metal to Cash For Scrap Metals. We pay fair cash for your scrap metal, taking into account the grade and weight of the scrap metals as well as the current market prices for the metals, so you know you’re getting the best cash offers for your scraps.

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